Thursday, February 24, 2011


Y0L0. You 0nly Live 0nce.

"You go through your life & you're probably going to be able to look back & pin point two or three times when you were actually genuinely happy. And then of course in those moments you wouldn't have even appreciated it anyways because, who does?" O.C.

When was the last time you were happy? Did you enjoy it, appreciate it? I hope so. Take a notebook and write it down. Keep a book of those moments, those memories and when your having one of those days, take it out and remember, just because today was a bad day, doesn't mean tomorrow will be.
NOTE **If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend, just a friend or what ever you want to call it. (you know what I'm talking about) Put those happy entries in another book, because we all know there comes the day when your bad day is because of that "special" someone. And to avoid ripping out those pages, burning them or throwing out the entire thing completely, just use a different book. If the relationship works, congratulations, now you have a book of great/happy moments with your loved one. If it doesn't, do what you want with it. But DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT read it everyday, every other or every so often. Its not healthy!!Move forward!

Enjoy life, that's what its all about. Do something random, crazy, exciting. Live a little people. Go skinny dipping, drive with the top down in November or March, have a sleepover in your 20's with your best friends, go play in the snow. Your never too old to have fun. and if someone makes fun of you about "not acting your age". Feel sorry for those people. Sorry that they can't let loose or enjoy something so simple, without feeling embarrassed. Stop worrying so much. Just take a breath and calm down, RELAX! I have a friend that use to worry about little thing and big things. The test next week, how he/she will pay for something, when will this happen, the future, everything. He/she would get annoyed at me when I would say, "I don't know, I'll figure it out". Recently in the past year the roles were switched and I had to sit back take a look and ask, "What changed?".
.. I did and thats a lesson I learned the hard way.
#1 I lost my sense of self, because I was taking care of someone else